So far, my cloth diapering experience has been..... I'd say, enjoyable. Yeah, there are some con's but I think I will work those out with experience. I find it very comforting knowing that the amount of chemicals touching my baby's skin is as minimal as humanly possible. Especially since that is such a sensitive area. Although, I've noticed that the smell of cloth is much different than disposables and not in a good way, hahaha.
I've set up a small pale that I fill halfway with water and a squirt of laundry detergent. This way, as soon as the diaper comes off, it immediately gets to soak. I think this has helped a lot with minimizing stains and I think it's decreased the strange smell. I've read that I can add a few drops of lavender essential oil to freshen everything up, so I plan to try that. Each day I dump the dirty pale into the washer and run it on hot then dry it for about 30 minutes on medium or high.
I started using washable wipes too. I bought 100% certified organic cotton flannel wipes and I love them! I keep a small battle with water and a tiny bit of baby body wash. I feel kind of proud that I took an empty Babyganics bottle and re-purposed it for hiney cleaner. I have become a fan of Babyganics products and really hope that nothing bad comes of them. I use their foaming hair and body wash or the creamy wash in my hiney cleaner mixture. I think the creamy one is better to avoid diaper rash because it contains oatmeal which is soothing to the skin and naturally cleansing. I really enjoy these reusable wipes and I can't emphasize that enough. One wipe goes as far as four disposables.
I've also noticed that cloth diapers can be a bit bulkier but I think I need to just learn the best way to fold and place everything. I am enjoying this challenge and plan to stick to it, with my all, until I establish a good system. :)
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