Saturday, February 11, 2012

What Does "Persnickety" Mean?

Trying to find the perfect name for my blog wasn't too difficult. I came up with a few fairly good options but when I Googled them, several links came up and I was really looking for something original. My mother-in-law suggested "Persnickety Parenting" but I didn't know what persnickety meant. She told me to look it up and I did.
-Placing too much emphasis on trivial or minor details; fussy.
-Requiring great precision; strict attention to detail.

Other words for persnickety are: careful, finicky, picky, choosy, demanding, particular.
(They also associate this word with snobby. I do not feel that this branch of the definition applies.)

At first I wasn't sure if  "Placing too much emphasis..." was a good explanation of the goal of my blog. My mother-in-law said "That's you.". She made a good point. My intentions are to be overly cautious with what my kids eat and what touches their skin.  I do read ingredients in pretty much everything and I do intend to raise them as chemical free as possible. There is nothing wrong with caring too much. In this world, there are so many toxins hidden and if we don't dig deeper, we may never know. 

I'm here to share the details of what I learn so you can spread the word to everyone you know. And hopefully we can outsmart the cancers and diseases that are taking so many young lives. <3


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