Yesterday, I was looking for an organic version of Oreo's. I told my toddler we could get them because she went the whole night accident free (potty training is going so well). Of course, I went to 2 food stores which didn't have them. Poor kid. I felt terrible for not being able to live up to my word. Even if it is just about cookies. But she deserved them.
Tonight, hubby asked me to pick him ice cream on my way home from my appointment. My good mother instincts told me to go to a different food store than the other day. I was please to see several options in the healthy cookie section. Avoiding brown rice syrup cut out several options. It would have been nice to find a gluten free, organic oreo but it was one or the other. I ended up buying 2 different brands that seemed OK, but they both contain soy lecithin which I'm so confused. When I was doing my research on GMO's, this was one of the ingredients that was said to use caution with. I needed to dig deeper to know exactly what my daughter (and myself) would be eating.
Soy Lecithin is extracted chemically (with toxic hexane) or mechanically from soy beans. I encourage you to learn more detail about Lecithin.
Soy contains higher amounts of phytoestrogens than almost all other foods.
Phytoestrogens are plant-based estrogens that mimic estrogen in our bodies.
High estrogen (estrogen dominance,unopposed estrogen) is the leading cause of breast cancer, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, infertility, and low libido.
Infants who consume a day's worth of soy formula are eating the equivalent of FOUR birth control pills! Shall we say this is the reason for girls reaching puberty younger and even getting their period at the age of 6 or 7?
Soy is also the top food that causes thyroid depression (goitrogenic). Goitrogenics limit the amount of iodine to the thyroid. When your thyroid fails, you gain weight, difficulty controlling moods, you get cold easy, more fatigued, unable to concentrate or remember details and many others. (Come to think of it, I should probably get my thyroid checked, haha.)
All grains, seeds, nuts and legumes contain phytates, soy containing the most.. Phytates block mineral absorption in the digestive tract. Soy contains such high amounts of phytates that it's almost impossible for us to digest them. I enjoy grains, seeds, nuts and legumes, so its helpful to know how to eat grains. Also, suggestible to avoid soy. Or at least only choose fermented products like miso, tempeh, natto or naturally fermented soy sauce (tamari). Fermented tofu could be named "stinky tofu" or "pickled tofu".
The last bash of soy is trypsin inhibitors. Trypsin is an enzyme than we need to digest protein. Without it, you can have digestive problems like cramps, diarrhea and bleeding. You also risk the chance of pancreatic problems.
MSG is formed during the processing of soy. So when you drink soy milk, keep in mind your drinking MSG (natural and man-made), along with sugar, oil and other additives. Imitation soy foods are produced with man-made MSG which causes migraines and brain cancer.
Coconut milk is a good alternative to soy milk, although, most are sold in packaging lined with BPA. One known BPA free brand is Native Forrest.
I'd like to quote one of my references now:
"Soy foods aren’t real food. They aren’t traditional. They aren’t old. They’re industrial waste products dressed up in pretty clothes and marketed to an ignorant public.”
So to conclude my original intention: I plan on eating the 2 packages I bought today, but I will be learning how to make my own organic homemade oreo's from now on. My kids deserve to be rewarded but it's not much of a reward if it's so unhealthy for them.